Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A decided to host a poker party here last night. Well she decided on Sunday I think. I left it to her to arrange and invite people. I went and got my haircut that day and when I returned I realised I would be hosting 5 other teens that night! D went shopping with her friend and stocked up on olives, cookies, chocolate and pizza as you do.

My friend arrived in the afternoon which was nice. She left one of her kids here, then 2 friends of my youngest turned up for an hour or two. When their Mum collected them she dropped of a teen for the night by which time all were gathered in the back room complete with goodies and poker chips.
I provided sleeping bags and they sorted out the floor sleeping arrangement which meant they all managed to fit in one room. I could still hear them at 1.30am. I had said I didn't want cooking after midnight - mainly so I didn't have extra pans to wash the next day, and I do worry about safety. A is very prone to forgetting about food and has yet to complete the cooking of pasta without me returning back to a pan of disgusting over cooked white mush lol.

All girls were up and out of the house this morning for Ice skating. They left at just after 10am so I reckon they will be exhausted just about now. I am!!!
At the ice rink one girl banged her head on the ice, then D sprained her ankle on the way home running down some stairs. She now can't get around the house very well. We are off to a home-ed meet tomorrow and were buss-ing it so she will probably have to stay home, poor thing - but she likes that sometimes.

I have one extra child here now. I will drop her off later and combine that with some shopping and re-cycling. First I have to do a frugal menu plan and sew some brownie badges on a sash.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I am going to do lots of little blog posts so that I can remember the details better. I seem to only manage to blog about twice a month at the moment but that is fine. A spends evenings on here, or I am out so I only get chance in the day and even then not for very long.

The river Mersey was placed on flood alert just over a week ago. I have never heard of this in all my life here. We went down to the nearby playing fields - which if you cross, brings you up to the river bank. Here is what we saw :

We reckoned if we had a dinghy we could boat on it but alas we haven't. We tried a rubber ring on a plastic float but the kids just sank lol.

It was at least over the girls' knees at it's deepest part. My Mum's puppy loves swimming in it though: (erm, you will have to turn your head to view it, sorry!!)

She will really miss it when it drains away. We have had a couple of dry days here but it won't take much rain to bring it back to that level as the ground is saturated. I keep meaning to cycle up to the river to get a photo of it, so I will make that a priority!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Oooops I haven't blogged since last year. Well Happy 2008 everyone xxxxx

One if the reasons of my lack of blogging is my sister and family have been here since December 29th so the house is full and lively. We had a lovely new year's eve together with laughter, dancing and singing. We were like a bunch of crazy happy people but there was no alcohol involved!
Since then all the kids have been hanging out. There have been quite a few shopping trips with another one planned tomorrow.

Last Friday it was D's twelfth birthday. She is about five foot four now, size 7 feet and no longer fits children's clothes!!! We had another mini party on her birthday and then she went off to guides in the evening.
The next day I was up very early to take A to her first new drama class. It is about 7 miles away and we were there for 9am. I was really pleased to hear that she enjoyed it and is happy to go back next week. D and M also started back at dancing. They are having to learn new dances for the show in May followed by exams a week later so there is lots to remember.

Today I again had to get up very early as the girls were helping out at local stables and then getting a free riding lesson in return. I dropped them there for 9am and they were finished for half four. It mostly went okay and again they are happy to do that weekly. So our weekends have become very busy once more but the kids are happy.

A couple of home-ed events start up next week. We have a social meet up and drama class. The big girls have said they may not continue with the drama as most of the stuff is geared for the younger children. But we'll see how it goes.

I am looking forward to taking the children to see the stage production of the Snowman at the Lowry next week. I managed to get some free tickets and M in particular really wanted to see it so that will make a nice evening out. I am also looking forward to the return of my yoga teacher so I can get back to my classes, I am feeling a little out of shape right now and am considering joining the sports centre gym.
Talking of exercise, A in particular was looking to do some more so helping at the stables is great as they have to trot round the ring leading children. I am also looking at signing them up at the leisure centre gym as there is a children's section. But for now they have been doing lots of walking helping their Dad deliver 700 BT phonebooks with another 700 to do next week. Tis all go here!!!