I offered to pick up my friends 2 children and take them to LAMDA. Poor said friend J has (we think) got whooping cough for the third time!! She seemed quite poorly with it and had spent the previous night coughing all night. She and her kids only had it 4 years ago so I am amazed she has contracted it. Her homeopath mentioned that she was seeing quite a few cases in vaccinated people. Could the bacteria mutate so the vaccine is no longer effective? Does this mean we could effectively catch it many times in the future.
It has been 6 weeks since Jude has coughed nightly. Some nights are better than others but we are all well otherwise!
Anyway, after the drama class I headed to our allotment with all 4 children. We managed to lay a central woodchip path with me digging it out to create soil for the raised beds. I am chuffed with what I have achieved and have only been 3 times. The kids did more forraging and brought me this tray of delights.
I have frozen many of the raspberrries (the girls counted 177!! lol) and am baking the rest with some apples and making a crumble. But that'll be tomorrow's project as I haven't got on top of the washing up yet and it's 8pm already!
Today we have done leaflet delivering to earn some pocket money, slightly tedious but we don't have a choice as it is sprung on us by our newspaper network and the leaflets have to be done separate from the papers. We probably will only get about £4 for doing that. Which as it takes nearly an hour is not a huge amount but the exercise is very beneficial!!
I did some reading reflex with Molly. I can't say she enjoys it as she spends time yawning and saying her arm hurts etc. I didn't bother with Jude as he said he didn't want a reading lesson. I didn't ask Molly but just called her downstairs. I reckon if I gave her a choice she'd say she was very happy just playing with Jude on the PS2 game they borrowed from the library.
Finally here is a photo of our beautiful Pup Pip that we look after lots even though she lives at my Mum's.Aint she sweet!!
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